Outstanding History Book

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0131-freedomI just finished reading one of the best – if not the best – history book that I’ve ever enjoyed. Its name is Freedom Just Around the Corner, and it covers U.S. history from 1585 through 1828.

This book truly brought to life this huge span of American history for me. I learned a lot about the complex relationships between the original immigrants to America, Canada, the French, the native Americans, and Britain. It opened my eyes to the various legal documents that established our country as well as the balancing act between the Republicans and Federalists of early America. It helped me understand what an amazing achievement it was to traverse into the original North American wilderness and tame it.

This blog is obviously not about history, but the subject is a favorite of mine, and I just thought I’d share a strong recommendation for those of you who are into this kind of thing. It’s a terrific book.