Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Interesting Probabilities Surrounding Payrolls

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Will the beginning of the “anticipated” correction come tomorrow?

The Nonfarm Payroll report is often a market mover and I expect to see much of the same tomorrow.

The market is wound tight and typically when that occurs we are witness to a large directional move.

I expect, regardless of how positive (or negative) the report is tomorrow, the market will push lower.


Comment System Enhancement – Images!

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The Slope of Hope has the best comments system on the Internet. That's a claim I make with not only a straight face, but a bit of shock, because I can't believe how lame the other comment systems are. I tried to distribute Slope's comments to other sites, but they weren't interested. Oh, well. It's all for us, I guess.

So our little corner of the Internet has an improvement to make it even better than it was – – the ability to post images along with your comments.

I've always cringed when people had to go through all kinds of gymnastics to share ideas, typically making use of a system like Screencast. They would have to upload their picture to an external site, and then they'd post the URL to that site……….and then another poor Sloper would click on the URL to fly off to that external site and see the image. 


Anyway, those days are over. Upload an image – or multiple images – directly. The thumbnails are displayed instantly, and clicking on an image brings it up in its own tab, full size.

Using it is a cinch. Use comments as you normally do, but if you want to add an image, click the button.


Next, choose the image from your hard disk you'd like to upload.


It'll upload. At that point, you can Add Another Image, or just go ahead and Post Comment.




There's another major feature coming – – – a gargantuan one – – but I'll tell you about it when it's ready. Until then……….enjoy your new and improved comments system!