Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Badges of Honor

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The latest version of the awesome Slope Comments System went up Monday evening (yes, I am hard at work, even on Presidents' Day), and I'll be talking about some key new features in the coming days.

First up – – Badges!

Over the course of time, Slopers can accumulate "badges" based on their participation on the blog. There are eight badges you can earn:

Here's what the badges mean…..

CHATTERBOX – is ranked as top 20 highest provider of comments and has posted within the past three days

FOUNTAIN – is ranked as top 20 most active provider of trading ideas, the most recent of which was no more than 10 days old

GLAD-HANDER – is ranked as top 10 provider of "Likes" and has provided a Like within the past five days 

 GRAND INQUISITOR – is ranked as a top 10 provider of Questions, the most recent of which was within the past ten days

+ OLD-TIMER – is ranked as one of the fifty oldest accounts and been on the system within the past five days 

ORACLE – is ranked as a top 10 provider of Answers (another new feature), the most recent of which was within the past fifteen days

+ PERFECT ATTENDANCE – has visited Slope each of the most recent 15 days

POPULAR – is ranked as top 25 recipient of most "Likes" and has posted a comment within the past three days

Badges of Honor

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Over the course of time, Slopers can accumulate “badges” based on their participation on the blog. There are eight badges you can earn:

Here’s what the badges mean…..

CHATTERBOX – is ranked as top 20 highest provider of comments and has posted within the past three days

FOUNTAIN – is ranked as top 20 most active provider of trading ideas, the most recent of which was no more than 10 days old

GLAD-HANDER – is ranked as top 10 provider of “Likes” and has provided a Like within the past five days 

 GRAND INQUISITOR – is ranked as a top 10 provider of Questions, the most recent of which was within the past ten days

+ OLD-TIMER – is ranked as one of the fifty oldest accounts and been on the system within the past five days 

ORACLE – is ranked as a top 10 provider of Answers, the most recent of which was within the past fifteen days

+ PERFECT ATTENDANCE – has visited Slope each of the most recent 15 days

POPULAR – is ranked as top 25 recipient of most “Likes” and has posted a comment within the past three days