Slope of Hope Blog Posts

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Topping Out (by Springheel Jack)

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Shortish posts all this week I think as I'm a bit distracted offline. On SPX we have nice clean trendlines now, and those trendlines are suggesting that upside is limited and a more significant retracement is close. I wouldn't go so far as to call this a rising wedge on SPX, or if I did I would take it from the 1333 high and next 1300 low, as the long move from 1202 to 1333 without touching either trendline, was too long in my view to qualify the overall setup as a rising wedge. Support is in the 1340 SPX area and resistance is in the 1360 SPX area, and on a break of the support trendline I would see the obvious target at the rising support trendline from the November low in the 1305 area. Support to watch on the way there is at the middle daily bollinger band (20 DMA) in the 1327 area:

120214 SPX 60min Trendlines
