Futures Earnings in ProphetCharts

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Even though ProphetCharts is my own product, I am still discovering things about it. Just yesterday, I figured out a cool little trick that some of you might like, particularly as we're heading into earnings season.

Let's say that you were curious when the earnings for, in this example, Facebook were going to be announced. You can press Ctrl-E in ProphetCharts, and all the events (including earnings, marked with a dollar sign) are displayed – – but that's just for the past.


However, earnings announcements are usually entered into the database ahead of time. Therefore, choose the Resize Graph option, and drag the rightmost anchor point in order to create white space on the right side of the chart (so you can see into February 2013, even though it hasn't taken place yet).


Once you've done this, voila, you can see any forthcoming events for a particular stock. Mouse over any of the events, and detailed information is displayed. Spiffy, huh?
