Senior Prom

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Since I have absolutely nothing new to say about the markets, I just thought I’d close out the day to briefly comment on the remarkable event at the end of Yellen’s speech, which many Slopers watched live and commented upon in this post. The speech itself wasn’t particularly exciting (to put it kindly), and Yellen actually has an oddly soothing voice which was lulling most of us into a gentle sleep. Very near the end of the speech, it was clear something was wrong. I thought she was missing the last page of her speech, or she had become very, very lost, and watching this real time, it was pretty surreal…….


For those of you who didn’t catch it, here’s the clip below.  For me, it was a bit of an eye-opening experience, since I actually felt kind of bad for her. Maybe my soul isn’t quite as black as I feared. Anyway, I’ll see you good people in the morning.