Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

AAPL: The Anatomy Of A Bear Market, Part I

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I was asked if I had any updates to share on AAPL (Apple Inc) and figured that as the world’s largest publicly traded company & one of (usually THE) most widely held stocks, my thoughts on Apple were worth sharing. In doing so, we’ll begin with a look at the recent technical developments over the past several months & near-term outlook, followed by a look at the weekly & monthly charts and my thoughts on where the stock is most likely headed in the coming months & possibly years.

In this post published on April 28th, literally the very day that AAPL printed it’s all-time high, I had pointed out several bearish technical developments, including a bearish engulfing candlestick, also stating that “clear bearish divergences are signaling that the odds for at least a substantial multi-month correction or bear market (in AAPL) are elevated at this time.” (more…)

Labored Breathing (5 of 6)

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Daily Labor Day Preface: (I’m just going to use this each day, just to save myself the extra typing): Here are the points I’d like to make about the charts below: (a) they all represent live positions presently in my portfolio, which consists purely of 115 different equity shorts (b) they are among my favorites (c) if you have found Slope to be a profitable source of ideas for you, please share a little of the wealth and kick a small donation to the blog by clicking here (d) instead of doing videos, I’m presenting the charts as images and, as usual, I’m presenting half of them to everyone, and the other half exclusively to Slope Plus members. If you’ve like to be a Slope Plus member and get all the ideas (and many other benefits), you can learn about the service by clicking here. So here are the charts!

0905-37 (more…)