Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Godspeed, Doctor Dyer

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In the midst of all of today’s trading tumult, I happened to see the death notice of Doctor Wayne Dyer. This wasn’t shocking news – – he was 75 years old, and he had health issues on and off over the years – – but I was still saddened to see the news and wanted to do a post about the man.

For those of you unacquainted with Dr. Dyer, he was one of the leading authors of self-help books. I doubt Dr. Dyer would want himself described that way, but that’s how I remember him, and that’s certainly how he initially became famous.

When I was a youngster – about twelve years old – I became afflicted with a mild and lingering depression (that’s not what we called it; I simply recognize it for what it is in hindsight). The book that I found most comforting during that troubled time (which persists, ummm, to this day) wasn’t the Bible, although that helped, but was instead Dyer’s first book, Your Erroneous Zones (as a little kid, I didn’t get the pun, but that’s beside the point).

I read the book over and over again. It addressed the subjects of worry, interpersonal relations, and other items from the long list of neurotic possibilities. In my teenage years, I carefully read Dyer’s new books, such as Pulling Your Own Strings and The Sky’s the Limit. I also listened (repeatedly) to the cassette tapes on which he read his books. I imagine I was one of the few teenagers in the country who was pretty much addicted to the wisdom of Wayne Dyer. As you can see from Amazon, Dr. Dyer went on to write dozens and dozens of books.


Best. Day. Ever.

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Well, that was really cool. I love days like this, when all I have to do is go through my charts, one by one, and update the stops, and then, once I’m done with that, enter new positions that look enticing. Today’s profit was really terrific, and suffice it to say it was a great day to be short.

I have nothing new at all to say about the market, and this is just a comment cleaner. I’ve got a post to do later that has nothing to do with the market at all. I need to run off to a meeting. Great day today, everyone!


The Breakaway Gapfill

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I was looking yesterday morning at all the double top setups on my optic run indices and they have all been playing out overnight. It seems highly likely at the time of writing that SPX double top support at 1948.33 and the breakaway gapfill at 1940.51 will both be filled at the open, so Thursday’s very bullish breakaway gap over resistance is killed off and there is now an open double top target at 1903.18 on SPX. SPX 60min chart:

150901SPX 60min Patterns MAs
