Gartman’s 2016 Year in Review

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I realize that the year isn’t quite over, but it’s late enough in 2016 to put together a retrospective of favorite “commodity king”, Mr. Dennis Gartman. This is the man, of course, frequently featured on CNBC, even though his daughter Courtney left the network earlier this year.

Although Gartman mostly makes market commentary, he also declared quite plainly in late August that Trump had “no chance” of winning the presidential race.

I did a couple of posts about the man, such as The Gartman Grid, which offers insight into how to interpret the often curious ponderings of DG, as well as a fanciful take at a new Broadway production Gartman The Musical, inspired by a comment left here on Slope.

A more serious (and time-consuming) undertaking was to go through all of the Gartman-specific posts on ZH that called out concrete buy or sell recommendations from Gartman. Now “concrete” is a little tough with a man who peppers his speech with words like “gently” and “slightly” and “very very lightly”, but I’ve tried my best. I can understand his reticence to make the bold declarations that he used to (e.g. “I have never been so bullish of oil”) given the tomato-throwing that often ensues when he’s wrong.

Nevertheless, I have broken down all his equity buy/sell and crude oil buy/sell ideas. According to my analysis, he’s been right about 30% of the time overall, with equities (22.73% correct) being weaker than oil (45.45% correct). Well, they do call him the commodity king, right?


You can access this analysis by clicking the image above or click here to see the Google Doc itself. I look forward to keeping up with the man’s declarations in 2017 and perhaps doing another analysis next December. You’re welcome.