Safe Havens No More? (by Closing Basis)

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I just wanted to share a couple of charts we all need to be keenly aware of right now.  Over the past couple of years both together and separately, gold and bonds have been the safe havens against market risk.  Now they are ALL breaking below major support levels. 

This seems to confirm the perception that the economy is improving  (regardless if it is all an illlusion or not).  If, in fact, money is coming out and seeking riskier assets, it is quite possible that we see a lot more upside from where we are right now (I still think we correct in the next month though).  These assets holding up were holding me to a more bearish bias, but now that they are breaking down and investors are voting with their dollars, it has become a lot more plausible to me that,  at least for now, the long-term trend trend for equities in general has indeed turned upwards.

GOLD headed for $1500 - Mar 16, 2012
GDX major support break - Mar 16, 2012
TLT more downside ahead - Mar 16, 2012