Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Final Bastion for Bears

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There are really only two markets right now that seem straight-up, no-doubt-about-it bearish: miners and bonds. These were two "safe havens", but with the world's assets pouring straight into AAPL these days, safe havens are seen as boring.

I've been more than a little obsessed with miners, and it's heartening to see at least one chart which is breaking down beautifully and without delay.



Why I Am Short Silver…I Mean AAPL (by phantomcapital)

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Here are five words guaranteed to lose money.  “I am now short AAPL.”  Or are they? 

Last April, I shorted SLV in the face of the great precious metal mania.  Everyone wanted silver, Cramer was telling me to buy silver, my precious metals refining neighbors were telling me to buy silver, silver was absolutely going to blast through $50/oz., the banner ads on my browser were telling me to buy silver, Zerohedge was telling me to buy silver, and everyone who owned silver was borderline insufferable with joy.  Silver was the world’s greatest hedge to every global problem.  So I sold the hell out of silver.  One week later SLV lost 25%.  

Mystery Chart 1

Now, 11 months later, the world has found another AAPL of its eye.  Pun 100% intended.  Their iPhone’s cure cancer.  Their iPad’s help the blind see (retinal display…seriously?).  Their iPod’s have cultured the ignorant.  Everyone wants AAPL. 

AAPL is easily a $1,000 stock, Cramer is telling me to buy AAPL, every analyst has a buy recommendation on the stock, and according to all valuation metrics (except common sense) it is still cheap.  Buy AAPL!  So, today, I sold the hell out of AAPL.  History repeats and I expect it to repeat two days from now.

Mystery Chart 2

Making Slope Better

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0319-logoMarch 29 will mark the 7th birthday of the Slope of Hope, and as I've suggested a few times since the beginning of 2012, there are some exciting changes coming to the blog in a couple of months.

In the midst of working on those improvements, I wanted to ask you directly what are some of the things which you'd like to see here. Some ideas to get you thinking:

+ Are there some instructional/educational videos you'd like me to make and have available on the site?

+ Are there certain features in the comment system/community you wish existed?

+ What are some tools or features that would make Slope more useful to you as a trader?

You don't even necessarily have to offer up an idea of your own – – at least read the ideas below in the comments section, and if you see an idea that you agree would be a positive, please click the Like button to vote for it. This way, I can easily see from the comments stream which ideas are most appealing to Slopers.

Thanks for your help and opinions! I really appreciate them.

3 Longs and a Little Short (by Ryan Mallory)

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You have Apple (AAPL) finally giving out a dividend, and the market is rather muted today. Most of the charts I'm looking at, I'd say 2/3's of them are completely parabolic. When you have that, it makes it very hard to find any descent setups, either long or short. Nonetheless, I still found some charts that I really liked and in particular Ford (F) once it decides to break out. 

LONG: Ford (F)

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 LONG: Sprint (S)

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LONG: Broadcom (BRCM)

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SHORT: Express Scripts (ESRX)

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Be sure to join Ryan for free at the SharePlanner Trading Network