Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Too Close For Comfort

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In the depths of the selloff last week, I decided the counter-trend bounce would get to around 2740 on the ES and “the low 25000s” on the Dow. Well, both of those have been achieved. In spite of the counter-trend rally matching my targets, it still makes me very uneasy. It seemed that earlier today (Thursday), the selloff was resuming, but that weakness vanished, and we are at a place now where, frankly, one more strong day would cause some real harm to my confidence.


There isn’t any big news coming out on Friday, but with five solid days of powerful upthrust, the momentum is definitely on the side of the bulls. If it keeps up, I’ll just dial back on the shorts. I hope not, though; I’ve got plenty of great setups I’d love to put into motion.

Into The Likely Rally High Zone

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A couple of announcements today. Firstly tonight’s webinar at has been delayed a week due to an unavoidable conflict, and will now be held on the same night as our Big Five & Sectors webinar on Thursday next week. You can register for either or both on our February Free Webinars page.

The second announcement is that Stan and I are finally starting serious work on writing a book on TA and trading futures. We have an outline and a publisher and will be trying to finish that this year, so watch this space 🙂

The hourly RSI 14 buy signals on NDX and RUT have reached target, and the SPX signal has reached the possible near miss target. There is hourly negative divergence here, and all three indices are in the ideal rally high zone, we are expecting a rally high high soon and tomorrow is a possible cycle trend day on which we could see a significant decline. Discussed in detail on my intraday video below.

This is the whole intraday video covering nineteen futures and forex charts, as I haven’t posted one of these in a couple of weeks, and if you are just interested in the equity indices they are at the start and there is also a possible very speculative equities decline scenario that I look at in the bonds/ZB section starting in the ninth minute. Intraday Video from – Update on ES, NQ and TF: (more…)