Night Shift

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Good evening, everyone……….

Me and my fellas are hard at work (it’s been continuous since Friday) working on optimization, uptime, and reliability. I have probably accrued a dozen posts to write about the insanity we’ve been going through. It reminds me the old days at Prophet. You might as well put me in a trench with grenades going off around me, because that’s what it feels like, but I sure am glad to have my colleagues at my side. And we are making some GREAT strides this evening.

Out of the corner of one eye I’m watching the night time markets, and of profound interest to me is bonds, whose failed bullish breakout is mesmerizing. It’s not like there’s a dramatic plunge – about one third of a percent as I’m typing this – but an ultimate break of 141’13 on that horizontal would be spectacular to behold.