Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Holy Philanthropist!

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It’s starting to occur to me that I go through “phases”. I went through a Bob Ross phase and a Norm MacDonald phase. My current one is Gilbert Gottfried – – more particularly, his podcast, which (as my family can attest) I listen to morning, noon, and night. I pretty much only turn it off in order to do my tastytrade show.

I recently listened to their interview of Burt Ward, whom some of you may recall was the actor portraying Robin in the 1960s Batman series. He wrote a “tell all’ book about his experiences: (more…)

A Gold Sector Fundamental View

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goldpanningWith gold testing its 200 day moving average this morning I thought I’d reproduce the first part of the precious metals segment from week’s Notes From the Rabbit Hole (NFTRH 497), including a daily chart of gold at the end showing the anticipated SMA 200 test.

[edit] Steve Saville updates gold’s ‘true fundamentals’ here. Notice at the end what is not considered fundamentally material.

Precious Metals

We have done a lot of work delineating what the best investment environment would be for gold and especially the gold mining sector. The gold miners leverage (for better or worse) gold’s performance vs. cyclical items like stocks, commodities and materials. Gold vs. stocks is a macro fundamental indicator on investor confidence, or lack thereof. Gold vs. Energy and Materials are gold sector fundamentals directly informing a gold mining company’s bottom line performance (their product vs. mining cost inputs). (more…)