Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Sweet Sixteen

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I happened across this clip that is NSFW but, for those who can tolerate blue language, must be viewed. A choice excerpt: "Fortunately for whining snotface, the party goes with a bang: she enters looking every inch the cosseted flesh-waste she is, and her and her irritating scumbag friends party on into the night, dancing, shrieking, acting like pillocks, and generally making you feel like getting down on your knees and praying for a nuclear holocaust."

My Anglophilia just got taken up another notch.

AAPL Thoughts – Part I (by Leaf West)

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Phoenix_13As we all know AAPL is an incredibly important stock in terms of its investor following and its index weighting.  If any stock today can give us insight into the market's animal spirits, AAPL would be the one.

I'm going to blog about AAPL in two parts … the first one is just an analysis of the trading of AAPL on Friday based on the 5-min chart.  Nothing more, nothing less … just looking at how you should have traded AAPL on Friday without any bias from higher time frames.

The reason I think reviewing a day's trading set-ups as being important is that these methods/set-ups repeat.  Not only for AAPL or the SPY, but in all stocks/ETF's.   If you don't believe me, go back and look at my SPY trading analysis … you'll see the same thing over and over.  Again, its all about becoming a better fisherman.

My Part II blog will be a more in-depth analysis of AAPL on higher time frames.  Included will be some analysis of what to look for in signals or signs in the days ahead.  This will be a part of my weekly newsletter which goes out on Sunday evening (make sure you sign up for it!!).

So, let's get started:


Index Comparison

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It's been a very quiet day for me. I took profits on a few shorts, got stopped out of a few others, and decided to balance things out by going long these symbols:


The Russell (shown below with the black line) has pulled far, far ahead of the S&P 500 (in blue), just like it did last Spring. I'm positioned for this gap to close in the coming weeks, since most of my positions remain on the short side and in smaller caps.
