Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Is It 2016 Again For U.S. Equities, Emerging Markets And Gold?

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By Avi Gilburt,

Bears seem to be roaming wherever you look, whether it be in the US equity market, the gold market, and especially in the emerging markets as of recently. Whether I read articles, or the comments to those articles, it seems there is a common expectation that “emerging market dominoes are falling” and it will “cause deleveraging and contagion” across portfolios worldwide.

It certainly sounds like a dire situation is developing in the world today. Does it not?


Sail the Sea of Regret!

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We just launched a new page I think you’ll love; it’s called Woulda Shoulda Coulda, and it’s accessed with the Blog menu.


It’s fairly self-explanatory, but the idea here is you enter a ticker symbol, an amount invested, and the date (you can hand-enter the date or use the handy calendar). It will instantly compute for you the present day value as well as the percentage profit. Helpfully, it also tells you the maximum drawdown you would have had to endure, just as a reality check. Because it’s really cool to think about huge profits, but you need to decide if, when you are down 30%, you’d honestly stick with the position or not.


Please leave your feedback in the comments section! I am very eager to hear if you’d like any improvements, have suggestions, or were able to break anything.

Third of the Forty-Eight

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Preface to all four parts: I am entering the week ahead relatively “light”, because the mountain of news events strikes me as fraught with risk. Between the North Korea summit (Tuesday), the Fed (Wednesday), and both the ECB and Japan (Thursday), let’s just say I’m looking forward to next Friday once all the smoke is cleared. I’ve got 48 shorts, and I’ve broken these charts into four parts. As always, click on any thumbnail to start thumbing through the gallery of these twelve: