Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Feedback to the Feedback

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I was very pleased with the outpouring of ideas and information when I ran the SlopeCharts Survey yesterday. Thank you, everyone! There were some specific ideas and remarks I wanted to address here (I’m going to leave them in their raw unformatted state):

My major concern is I will do a chart on Bloomberg charts and a chart in SlopeCharts on the same security and sometimes they have completely different charts…usually the visual is pretty close, but I will look at the HP function on Bloomberg for historical pricing, and the numbers don’t match SlopeCharts…

I get this question all the time. The explanation is simple: our data is adjusted for dividends. Most other charts are not. I feel strongly that dividend-adjusted data is superior. NOT adjusting for dividends is the same as not adjusting for stock splits. It’s insane. I am stunned that anyone doesn’t do it. So, yes, the numbers are different, because the competition has inferior information. (more…)

Poised For Punishment

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First, if you haven’t done so already, please please please fill out the SlopeCharts survey. It only takes 15 seconds, and it will really help me improve the product. Or if you aren’t familiar with SlopeCharts, click here to give it a try.

As for the markets, the bears (like me) have been getting their heads beaten in every day since May 3rd. No matter what the news is, good, bad, or inconsequential, the markets go up. Even if there is a big drop during the overnight session, it’s long gone by normal trading hours. I see no reason for this to change.

Trump is utterly unpredictable, and who knows what this NoKo Summit will bring. But at this point, he could throw cold water in Kim’s face, flip him off, storm out of the room, and the market would STILL rally due to Trump’s “bold stance”. More likely it will be all love-dovey, this-is-the-end-of-history, we’re all friends, and they’ll issue a glowing press release. The point is that bulls are going to keep getting handed free money with no risk. (more…)

SlopeCharts Survey

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I am absolutely crazy about SlopeCharts. I use it every day of the year, and it absolutely serves all my charting needs.

I’d like to see more people use it, however, so I want to ask what else we can do to improve it. Please take a moment to fill out the survey below It’ll help me figure out what priorities to set. I’ve also left a field for free-form notes if you want to offer your own suggestions or requests. Thank you very much!

Click here to take survey (estimated time to finish: about 15 seconds)