Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

What Comes Next?

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Hello everyone. I’m still questioning my sanity removing ads from the site. The ads basically cover my entire mortgage bill, and I got rid of them mainly for aesthetics, speed, and out of the hope that, over time, people would decide to sign up for a PLUS membership and get the full benefit of the site. We shall see. I’m going to give it a few weeks to see if memberships start to grow. If they do, I think I’ll stay ad free. If not, I’ll probably bury this place in ads. I’d prefer to focus on PLUS, though!!

As for the markets – – today was obviously a good and encouraging day. The very important Dow Composite has been making good progress lower, but it MUST – – and I say again, MUST – – break the trendline shown below. This grind is agonizing and has got to stop!

comp (more…)

Our Glorious Leader

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My entire synopsis of the U.S. political landscape couldn’t be simpler: as long as the economy appears strong, and as long as there are plenty of jobs, Trump will rule the roost. Period. End of story.

The MOMENT………and I mean, the MOMENT………the economy is clearly faltering, he and his cronies are going to be thrown out on their ear (and stop having the right to grab the nation’s attention by tweeting stupid shit about the quality of the paint job on the Red Hen restaurant, for the love of God). But until then……….he is the MAN, no matter what people say. It’s the economy, stupid. No, no, more than that. It’s the economy, you idiot. End of story. END. OF. STORY.

Until then, I find this hilarious and chilling:

A Faster, Cleaner Slope

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For your non-PLUS users out there, I have a huge gift. A gift which is going to cost me thousands of dollars every month personally. And the gift is: an advertising-free web site.

I spent a lot of time thinking about this. Indeed, before the new site launch, my attitude had been, “All right, we’re going to crank up ads like crazy; they are going to see ads everywhere they turn!” But for a lot of reasons, I decided to go utterly the opposite direction and completely remove ads from the site.

I’m not sure if I’ll stick with this possibly foolish decision, but I think I will. I am going to focus on PLUS SUBSCRIPTIONS to the exclusion of everything else (and, importantly, ADDING FEATURES to PLUS).

For the immediate moment, however, ALL of you are enjoying a faster Slope, whose speed can immediately be seen as going from this: (more…)