Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Sugar Smacks

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First off, this is a bit of a throwaway post, and I encourage you to read the Pleasure Me post I did on Monday night if you haven’t already. I’m doing this post mostly for the purposes of system testing, although there is actually a point to it.

Four weeks ago, MoneyMiser21 did a post called WWE Smackdown, and it has gone great. Look at the chart below, with the arrow marking the post publication date.

WRES (more…)

Pleasure Me

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Trillions of dollars in equity lost. Silicon Valley stocks down 40%, 50%, 70%, or more. Dejected and disillusioned millennials. The smoldering ruins of the failed cryptocurrency industry.

I’m honestly not sure how much more happiness I can take. On top of it all, Slope traffic is going absolutely apeshit (which is kind of bad news, in a way, since we’re frantically trying to keep up with the demand of our suddenly very, very popular website).

And to think this is just the start of a multi-year, global bear market that is going to bring utter ruin to so many. I can hardly stand the excitement. Thus, I thought we’d catch up on my short term “Omega” prediction, which I’ve discussed before, most recently here.

Specifically, where do things stand with respect do the conjectural pattern I suggested? (more…)

EXCLUSIVE: Details of OptionSellers Trades

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My post about the ruination of got a huge amount of attention. Traffic to was bigger on Sunday than any normal day of the week (which explains why it’s been so damned hard to get on the site lately…….). The most common question I heard was: “what exactly were the positions?” I had no idea………until now.

According to my sources, here are the positions they had on: naked short calls (left side) and naked short puts (right side), all on natural gas:

positions (more…)

30% Correction Due To A Trump Impeachment?

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If you’ve been following my analysis of the S&P 500 through the years, you know that we have called the stock market rather well. In fact, we called for the rally to 2100 in 2015, and then expected a pullback from 2100 to the 1800 region as we came into 2016. However, unlike most others at the time, we expected that pullback would set us up for a 40%+ rally in the overall index before we saw a 20-30% correction. In fact, we were calling for a “global melt-up” at the time. (Yes, you’ve mentioned this at every possible opportunity – – Ed.)

And, for those that remember back to November of 2016, when everyone and their mother was certain the market was going to crash if Trump won the election, we staunchly stuck to our guns and noted that we expected the market to rally strongly “no matter who was elected to office.” And that is exactly what we got, despite the common expectation of a market crash if Trump was elected.

The news cycle has thrown one bomb at the market after another during the last three years. But the market has not cared about any of these “issues,” as it has continued to rally unwaveringly towards our long-term targets. So, let’s be honest: no one who has been investing or trading based upon geopolitics has been on the correct side of this market for years. Yet, the analysts focusing on geopolitics have certainly provided some entertaining reading about all the risks that have kept many investors on the sidelines during this major market rally.


Crypto Carnage Continues

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Unrelated to this post, I want to mention again that Slope’s sudden popularity is crushing our servers; the whole team (as well as some outside consultants) are hard at work at getting us past this Slow Slope Situation.

I see that cryptocurrencies, perhaps the greatest scam in a generation, is continuing to plummet toward worthless. Here’s the “blue chip” bitcoin, featuring the image of the self-described Crypto Genius (remember all his ads a year ago?)

altuch (more…)