Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Fibber McGee

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You know that things are starting to turn around for the bears, because people are starting to ship me alcohol. Back in the good old days of 2008, my mailbox was always stuffed with wine and chocolates. That dried up for years – – yes, years – – but recently fine liquors have started arriving. Indeed, I’m sipping on a superb bourbon at this very moment. Slopers are a fine lot.

I asked in the prior post whether people liked the variety of writers we have or whether it should be just me. Well, a large quantity of you responded, and the winner is………the status quo!

results (more…)

Unadulterated Tim

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Hi Folks. I’ve been thinking of a couple of big changes to Slope lately. I wanted to get your opinion on one of those changes right now. It’ll take a full second of your time, so do me the courtesy of voting.

I was going to write some wordy preface to this, with all kinds of bluster and pontificating, but I think it’s more valuable to get a pure opinion. So the question is simply this: from now on out, would you prefer 100% of Slope’s content be written by just me, or do you like having a variety of writers? Thanks.

Achieving the Impossible

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From time to time, I mention a disease I have that doesn’t seem to affect most people. It’s called “Blogger’s Guilt”. I feel an insatiable need to create content and tools for you.

Most other sites – – and I could name them, but some of them are ostensibly my friends, so I won’t – –  get away with maybe three posts a week and no tools at all. I, on the other hand:

  • Generate about 100 posts a week;
  • Have given you the greatest comments system in existence;
  • Have built the best charting platform on the web

And yet still I drive myself to do more. Every day. Even weekends. Into the night.

Having offered up an ungodly number of incredible ideas lately, I feel I am entitled to giving myself a two hour break. So I will do that. Because, as you can see below, it’s been a busy day.

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Share the love. I give it daily. I hope you feel it. Send it back my way.