Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

That He Which Hath No Stomach to this Fight

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I was debating with myself whether to send this post only to my Gold and Diamond members (whose numbers are now legion………..) or to the entire mass of Slopers. I was compelled to just throw open the kimono, since even at this moment the last post has hundreds of comments, and since this is the last post of the day, I don’t want you poor souls to have 500 comments on a post……… – – even though our awesome Premium members keep this place open – – I’m going to just do a general distribution on this one.

I also want to thank those of you who are pests. I mean that in the most loving way possible. Some folks write me and ask me for THIS and ask me for THAT. But, see, I really like making products, and I like making them better, so I really appreciate when you folks tap me on the shoulder and ask me for something, because I’m the sort who will get kind of obsessed with finding whatever it is you’re asking for. It makes Slope better for everyone. So – – be a pest!

Anyway, on to the charts. These are all ETFs, and they all have the same message: it is time for the bears to rise again! We begin with the Industrial symbol XLI, which has broken its long term trend from 2009:

slopechart XLI (more…)

Charlie Delta

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Following up on my Whiskey Tango Foxtrot post, it seems that the antique-shopping, mincing, taffeta dress-wearing equity bulls aren’t getting the “Alpha” or “Bravo” rallies I had suggested might transpire, so now we’re looking at “Charlie” and “Delta“. Because the effete bulls are so accustomed to getting bailed out by our corrupt government at the slightest sign of any weakness – – criminal cowards that they all are – – they are probably waiting for Trump to tweet out some kind of chubby surrender. We shall see. For the moment, October continues to be a very good month indeed.

Our valiant Treasury Secretary’s gold-digging, failed soft-porn actress of a wife, featured below, presents to us the fall in the NQ today alone. What’s exciting, of course, is that we’re just getting into the thick of earnings season. As NFLX has plainly demonstrated, we are at “peak earnings” now, so even the BEST news only excites people for a few minutes before all hell breaks loose again.


Hadrian’s Wall

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First, I’m pleased to see so many newcomers join and give themselves cool avatars. Remember, if you don’t have an avatar yet, go to the Profile Page and give yourself a spiffy image there. You’ll instantly be one of the cool kids.

I’m again encouraged by what I see this morning. I beefed up my shorts yesterday (coming into the day with 60 positions and using 200% buying power). It’s red across the board, which is my lifelong favorite color. Below is the NQ, which has gone through some interesting phases lately. We had our top above the yellow tint, a nice drop, and then followed by our monster drop (magenta tint) and ridiculous, required-by-law rebound up to the green tint resistance. My fingers are crossed that there’s no bounce left, since the unsolvable myriad of problems pressing upon the globe are slowly being realized by the more blinkered among us.

nqdown (more…)