Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Ignore No More!

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As many of you know, Slope’s comments section has the rather unique feature of being able to ignore someone. While the vast majority of Slopers get along, let’s face it, sometimes there’s someone who just rubs you the wrong way. You can ignore them with a single mouse click.


However, what if you want to UN-ignore them? Maybe you ignored someone accidentally, or perhaps you’ve become best buddies with the person you used to despise. Well, I’m glad to let you know we have re-introduced the ability to reverse your decision! (more…)

U.S. & World Market Volatility Continues

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Further to last Wednesday’s post, here’s where the U.S. Major Indices stood after each close on Thursday and Friday, respectively.

Thursday’s Close:

Wednesday’s sell-off continued on Thursday, with the nine Major Indices closing at or near a lower near-term support level (or below, as was the case with the NDX and COMPQ), as shown on the following daily charts.


Short-Term Bear Glory, Long-Term Bull Run? (by Moneymiser21)

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What a week for #TeamBears!

The Fed’s rate hike cycle finally broke the backs of small caps, as illustrated by BOTH the (#1) break and close below of the Summer low (which is also prior swing pivot) on the daily and weekly RUT charts, and (#2) the break of the up channel formed since Summer 2017.

Our beloved bear leader Tim Knight made massive profits, and Slope traffic rose validating his tremendous efforts to improve the website. (more…)

Shoulda Coulda Shorted

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There is an improvement on the Woulda Shoulda Coulda page I wanted to tell you about. As many of you know, this page (which, as far as I know, has no equal on the web) lets you play “Time Machine” and enter trades from the past to see how they would have performed.

Ironically for this website, it only let you enter long positions. Now you can enter short positions. All you have to do is enter a negative number when you enter the Amount. Here are three imaginary short sales:

shorts (more…)